Two cartridges have been announced for the Evercade that pack in the best of the Atari Lynx library from a time when the legendary U.S. company was fighting to compete with Sega's Game Gear and Nintendo's Game Boy. Both are scheduled for a Q3 launch, which could be any time after June/July.
The Lynx got a lot of cool original games thanks to its advanced hardware, many of them are here to give idiots like me (who sold theirs off) a second chance, or for those who missed out on this punky era of gaming.
Collection 2 is the better looking option, even with fewer games, as most titles are absolute classics. Starting with the timeless California Games, along with Blue Lighting, great puzzler Chips Challenge and the classy racer Checkered Flag, there's also a fleet of shooters, Todd's Adventures in Slimeworld, Electro Cop, Gates of Zendocon and Zarlor Mercenary.
Collection 1 includes the excellent Dracula the Undead adventure plus Awesome Golf, along with a mixed bag of Scrapyard Dog, Basketbrawl, Super Asteroids/Missile Command, Crystal Mines II: Buried Treasure, CyberVirus, Gordo 106, Ishido: The Way of Stones, Jimmy Connors Tennis, Loopz, Malibu Bikini Volleyball, MegaPak, Power Factor, Remnant, Super Sqweek and Xump, some of which I think are later-day indie releases.
All I think of that's missing from these that should make up a Lynx Collection III would be RoadBlasters, Klax, Batman Returns, Desert Strike, Gauntlet, Ramparts and STUN Runner, but there might be licensing issues, or just Blaze keeping some of their powder dry.